


Everyone strives for academic 和 professional achievements, but it’s pretty challenging to make progress if you don’t set practical goals.

Everyone strives for academic 和 professional achievements, but it’s pretty challenging to make progress if you don’t set practical goals along the way. 

When you set a goal, think about more than the outcome. You need to hold yourself accountable 和 commit to specific actions in order to get what you want. This process can also help you be more successful in school.

The strongest 和 most successful goals are SMART goals, which means they are:

S ——具体

M ——可测量的

A ——实现

R - - - - - -相关

T ——有时限的

从一个简单的目标开始. 例如,通过这学期所有的课程. Here’s how you would achieve that objective under the SMART goal criteria. 


具体的ity requires breaking down your goal into small steps. 首先阅读每门课的教学大纲. 问问自己,我需要在什么截止日期前完成任务? 我怎样才能紧跟阅读进度? How far out do I need to start studying for exams to ensure success? Am I going to have to miss any classes due to work or other obligations? If so, how can I work with my professor to make sure my grade isn’t negatively affected? To pass all of your classes you need to h和 in all of your assignments on time, 这意味着你需要留出时间来工作.


To hold yourself accountable, make your goals measurable. Is passing the class enough or do you want a specific percent年龄 or letter grade? Plan out what steps need to be taken to then get the grade. 例如, 每个星期, 如果你要读两章, 完成一项作业, 参与一次讨论, 做个小测试, 这意味着你有16个阅读点, 8日作业, 8的讨论, 整个学期有8次小测验. Finding the total number allows you to keep track of your progress. 对于更抽象的目标, 比如为了通过考试而努力学习, set a minimum study time 和 hold yourself accountable. 


可以实现的 successful goals need to be man年龄able for your lifestyle. 如果你工作, 有家庭和上学, it probably isn’t realistic to set a goal of studying six hours a day. Look at your schedule 和 be honest with yourself about how much time you can devote to your classes, 那就不要找借口. 


总是让你的目标尽可能相关. Passing your classes is a fairly obvious one because it will lead to graduation, 这将带来新的职业机会. 


有时限的目标可以帮助你避免拖延症. Actions you need to take to accomplish your goals must be scheduled to help you stay on track.  例行公事也可以防止你落后. 例如, 如果你上的是在线课程, you might plan to complete the course readings by Tuesday of 每个星期, post your initial discussion contribution by Wednesday, 你的测验在星期六前完成了吗, 和 have your assignment 和 discussion responses finished by Sunday. 

Setting SMART goals will keep you motivated 和 on track. 自己尝试一下,让我知道效果如何. 

蒂娜沙 is Assistant Professor of English at Herzing大学.  She is passionate about her work, her community, 和 lifelong learning.  在推特 @TinaTeachesEngl和脸谱网上关注她 http://www.Facebook.com/TinaTeachesEngl.

*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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